How to Thrive in 2020!

New Decade, New You? 2020 Vision? Roaring 20’s? I could go on with all of the 2020 puns but I will spare you. Whether you have a laundry list of resolutions, or you have just set yourself one goal for 2020, this is the year to THRIVE! Last year I made myself a list of goals that I wanted to achieve by the end of 2019, and I am happy to announce that met ALL of my goals! WOOT WOOT! (insert happy dance). Now, riding the high of 2019, let’s talk about how to completely thrive in 2020.

1. Be Basic

Yes, be basic! Whatever that means to you, DO IT! Drink that Pumpkin Spice Latte, wear those leggings and over sized shirt, go to Target everyday. Don’t let the internet trolls comments keep you from doing something “basic”. I used to avoid doing certain things because I didn’t want to be labeled as a basic person. But I have learned over the last year, that I really do not care what anyone thinks about my life choices. If I want to sit on my couch all day and watch The Office, I am gonna do it. If I want to wear my hair in a scrunchie, I will. Bottom line what I am saying is this, cast aside those fears, or whatever is holding you back from doing that thing you want to do. Stop living your life, making choices to appease, someone else, and do what YOU want. If there is a trend you want to try, DO IT. If there is something you truly love doing that may be “basic”, DO IT!

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on

2. Take care of yourself

2019 was the year that we began dabbling in Self-Care, and encouraging people to take care of themselves, mentally and physically. Well 2020 is NO different! This year we are taking all of the self-care, with NONE of the guilt. Self-care is so much more than face masks,and bubble baths. True self-care is therapy, letting go of toxic relationships, taking your vitamins, exercising and healthy eating choices.

With that let me say this, YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT TO THRIVE. What I mean is eat your fruits and veggies, get at least 20 minutes to exercise, just take care of your body. Nourish your body, nourish your mind.

For so long therapy was such a taboo topic. If you went to therapy, you did not tell anyone for fear of what they may think. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma about therapy. However, 2020 is the year we stop caring what other people think, and start doing what is best for ourselves. Therapy can help anyone, and I encourage everyone to go at least once. You might surprised to know how many people go. Talk with your friends, get some recommendations, find a therapist and GO! You will thank yourself!

Photo by Trang Doan on

3.Filter yourself

Filter yourself, what the heck does that even mean? Sure it could mean filtering what comes out of your mouth, and honestly we could ALL probably work on that. But it means, filtering out the stuff in your life that doesn’t make you a better, happier person.

First, take on your social media. Purge any friends that do not bring you joy, and never fail to make you feel some type of way. Block, yes I mean block, anyone or anything that just serves to upset you. Some might think it is childish to block something just because you do not agree with it, but on the internet we are constantly bombarded with everyone’s thoughts, feelings and opinions. It can be exhausting, and overwhelming. So there is no shame in hitting that block button.

Next, filter your mind. Let me be honest with you for a second. I used to be VERY negative. While I did not always say the negative stuff that came into my mind, I still constantly had negative thoughts, about other people and myself. I was ALWAYS sad and stressed. I didn’t want to live my life as a negative person, so I decided to try a new technique to change my mindset. Whenever I had/have a negative thought about someone else, I stop, and recognize the thought. Then I try to identify where this thought is coming from. (If the thought is about another person, it usually stems from my own insecurities.) Then I replace the negative thought with a positive thought. For example, if I have the negative thought that “I am a terrible mother because the house is a mess”. I recognize the thought and emotion. Then I replace the thought with, ” Yes, my house might be a mess, but I am grateful to have a warm home to make a mess with my family.”

Now I know this can be easier said then done, but of you are truly intentional about changing your mindset, and practicing, you will be surprised how more often you have positive lots, and less negative thoughts.

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

4. Try something new

I know it sounds cliche right? Just trying ONE new thing can start a catalyst effect. Trying something new is always scary, and it takes confidence to step outside of your comfort zone. Confidence you may not have known you had! Now I am not saying that you have to try something big like sky diving or anything like that. But try that one thing you have always wanted to try. Maybe it’s a new clothing or make up trend, a new haircut or color, or maybe it is something big like skydiving. Whatever it is that you want to try, DO IT! My advice, find a friend who is willing to try it with you, and join you for emotional support. Often times it is easier to try something new with someone else, especially when you have a cheerleader in your corner. If you want to try something but money is a hindrance, search for deals on sites like Groupon and even AirBnB has experiences!

So what will you try this year?

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

5. Do something nice for someone else

If there is one thing you take away from this list, let it be this! You might be asking yourself, “How is doing something nice for someone else going to help ME thrive?” First of all, let’s change that thinking. We don’t do nice things for others to get ahead, we do nice things for people to be nice. No matter what your beliefs are, it all boils down to this, treat others with love and kindness. Life these days is hard enough, so be the light of kindness this world needs. I recently watched the movie “Klaus” on Neflix, and man did it open my eyes to the kind of person I want to be. There is a song in the movie, Invisible by Zara Larson, that has become one of my new favorite songs. In there song there is a line that is my new motto for 2020:

If kindness lives in everyone , Then all it takes is standing up

You don’t need to do any grand gesture, but rather something small.

  • If someone is having a bad day, ask them if they want to talk.
  • If you hear someone talking about someone else, stop them.
  • Send your mom flowers.
  • Donate meals to your local church for the hungry
  • Volunteer
  • Give your seat up for the elderly
  • Compliment someone

No matter how small,make it your mission to do something nice for someone!

This is our year! We are going to stop letting negativity keep us from living our best lives. Let’s take care of ourselves and try something we have always dreamed of doing. 2020 is the year we will ALL thrive!

Happy 2020!

Photo by cottonbro on


How to treat diaper rashes naturally!

Nothing breaks a mother’s heart more than when my little one has a painful diaper rash. I wanted to find a way to quickly treat my daughters diaper rash, so that she can be comfortable and happy again. After some research I found three ways to naturally treat diaper rash.

Helpful tips:

(These tips come from the site “Baby List“)

It’s best to head off diaper rash before it happens and take action as soon as you see any sign of it. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Change diapers often to avoid long contact with moisture.
  • Apply diaper cream at every diaper change to create a protective barrier that keeps moisture out.
  • Treat diaper rashes with cream at the first sign to soothe and calm raging red skin.
  • Go diaper free for a really uncomfortable rash (this can get messy, but sometimes a bare bottom is necessary).

Homemade Diaper Wipes

The amount of wipes you want to make will dictate the amount of baby wash and water you use. I start by mixing the water and baby wash in the container. I then place the rags one by one, into the soapy water, making sure the rags soak up all of the water. I will then pour more water over the rags, and put the lid on the container. Now you have homemade diaper wipes.

I suggest using baby wash that is delicate in skin, and fragrance free. Using regular rags will irritate your little ones bottom so it’s important that you use baby rags, because they are softer on their skin. I also use warm water to make the rags, but that is just personal preference.

Cooling spray

This is a simple, quick way to make a cooking mist, that you can spray on your babies bottom after cleaning them up. Just give two sprays in the little ones diaper area, and they will feel instant relief.

In your misting bottle, put about 20 drops of Lavender essential oil, and fill it the rest of the way with water. Lavender helps heal and soothe the skin, especially when your little one has diaper rash.

Diaper Cream

This isn’t really something to make. But it’s just some of my favorite natural diaper cream.

  • DoTerra Diaper Cream
  • Earth Mama Organics Bottom Balm
  • Boudreaux Butt Paste
  • Honest Diaper Rash Cream

4 Homemade, Organic Baby Food Recipes to Start Your Baby Eating Right

When my daughter turned five months old, she started showing an interest in food other then breast milk. So we called up the pediatrician to discuss when the right time to introduce food was. Her doctor told us to start out feeding her rice cereal and then slowly start incorporating fruit and veggie purées. Now I don’t know why but the idea of feeding her food made me really excited! Made it’s because I knew that I was going to make her baby food myself. I have always enjoyed cooking, and making homemade baby food meant that I would save money, and I would know EXACTLY was in my daughters food. As soon as I got off the phone with the doctor I did a quick amazon search for baby food containers and came across the ones below. When I went to order, there was a tab that said “others are buying these together” and it was the baby food containers and a baby food cookbook. Which was perfect because I was already looking for an organic baby food cookbook. I am so glad I decided to order this cookbook because it is FULL of information not just recipes. And the recipes take your baby all the way to a year old and beyond. The cookbook is called “The Big Book of a Organic Baby Food” by Stephanie Middleberg MS, RN, CDN. I reached out to the author to ask if I had her permission to share a few of the recipes with you guys and she said YES. Also, I want to note that she was extremely nice to me and helpful! If you like the recipes I share I highly recommend purchasing her cookbook on Amazon and following her on Instagram!

Click image for link to purchase the cookbook

Also be sure to check out her nutrition page, for nutritional information for the whole family!

The recipes that I am sharing with you are for infants age 6 months. Each recipe is gluten free, dairy free, nut free and vegan. I bought only organic items from my local Whole Foods. Stephanie Middleberg suggests that when you are shopping for fruits and veggies to eat with the seasons. She states that staying with in the seasons, fruits and veggies are at its peak flavor and most nutritious. Middleberg also suggests, and I agree with her, to try and shop from local foods, so that you can support small family farms. This will also mean you will get produce that is raised with minimal pesticides. In her book, there is an awesome graphic, where she lists each season and the produce that is in season at that time!

Grocery List

  • Freeze bags (quarter or gallon)
  • Sweet Potato, Yams or Potatoes ( about 3)
  • Bananas (about 3)
  • Summer Squash (about 3 small, or 1 Large)
  • 2 cups berries (hulled if necessary)
  • Herbs and spices ( optional)
  • Blender or Food Processor

Sweet Potato Puree

Makes 15- (1-Ounce) Freezer Tray Cubes

  • 1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, yams, or potatoes (about 3), peeled and cut into 1/4-inch dice
  • Herbs AND Spices: Sweet potatoes work well with- thyme, ground cumin, ginger and cinnamon.
  1. In a medium saucepan with a steamer insert, bring about 1 inch of water to a simmer. Add the potatoes. Cover and steam until tender, about 10 minutes.
  2. Transfer the potatoes to a blender or food processor, along with a pinch of an herb or spice, if using. Puree until smooth. Adjust the texture by adding a little breast milk or formula, or water to achieve desired consistency.

Storage : Fill a freezer cube tray with 1-ounce portions. Freeze overnight . Store the frozen cubes in a tightly sealed zip-top bag for up to 6 months.

Banana Puree

Makes 15 (1-ounce) freezer tray cubes
  • 1 1/2 pounds bananas (about 3 bananas), peeled
  • Herbs AND Spices: Bananas are delicious with ground nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, or ginger.

Storage : Fill a freezer cube tray with 1-ounce portions. Freeze overnight . Store the frozen cubes in a tightly sealed zip-top bag for up to 6 months.

In a blender or food processor, combine the bananas and a pinch of spice, if using. Puree until smooth. Adjust the texture by adding a little breast milk, formula, or water to achieve the desired consistency.

Summer Squash Puree

Makes 15 (1-ounce) Freezer Tray Cubes

  • 1 1/2 pound summer squash ( about 3 small, 1 1/2 medium, or 1 large summer squash), peeled and cut into 1/4- inch dice
  • Herbs AND Spices: Season with garlic, tarragon and rosemary

Storage : Fill a freezer cube tray with 1-ounce portions. Freeze overnight . Store the frozen cubes in a tightly sealed zip-top bag for up to 6 months.

  1. In a medium saucepan with steamer insert, bring about 1-inch of water to a simmer. Add the squash. Cover and steam until tender, about 10 minutes.
  2. Transfer the steamed squash to a blender or food processor, along with a pinch of an herb, if using. Puree until smooth. Adjust the texture by adding a little breast milk, formula, or water to achieve the desired consistency.

Berry Puree

Makes 15 (1-ounce) Freezer Tray Cubes

  • 1 1/2 pounds berries (about 2 cups), hulled if necessary (strawberries need hulled) and cut into pieces if fruit is larger than 3/4 inch.
  • Herbs AND Spices: Try savory herbs like thyme or rosemary, or spices such as cinnamon , ginger or allspice.

Storage : Fill a freezer cube tray with 1-ounce portions. Freeze overnight . Store the frozen cubes in a tightly sealed zip-top bag for up to 6 months.

  1. If using blueberries, in a medium saucepan with steamer insert, bring about 1 inch of water to a simmer. (If using any other type of berry move to step 2) Add the blueberries. Cover and steam for 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer the berries to a blender or food processor, along with a pinch of an herb or spice, if using. Puree until smooth. Adjust the texture by adding a little breast milk, formula, or water to achieve the desired consistency.

HOW TO HULL A STRAWBERRY- The quickest way to hull a strawberry is to grasp just under the stem and use your ail to scoop out the hull as you remove the stem.

I hope that your little one enjoys these recipes as much as mine! Remember to have fun when creating new food combinations. Keep an eye out for Stage 2 recipes, Smooth Combination Purees.