Essential Oils: What is all the hype about?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, my experience and advice should not replace that of an actual medical professional.

Essential Oils, they seem to be the thing just about everybody is talking about these days. Every person alive has probably heard someone talk about essential oils. Just about every store I have been in sells at least three different types now. You’ve probably seen them and said one of two things in your head: 1. “How do you even use those things?” or 2. “Aren’t those the things those hippie dippie people use instead of medicine?” Well I am here to share with you how I use essential oils in my daily life.

Now, I am going to be 100% honest with you, I was a HUGE skeptic about essential oils. I mean I did not understand how they worked and I just wrote them off the second I heard about them. I was introduced to them a few years ago, when my mother started using them, but I just rolled my eyes every time she brought them up. Christmas one year, my mother-in-law got me this Family Physician Kit, an essential oil collection from a company called doTerra. I put the box in my bathroom closet and forgot about it for a few months. Then one day, while I was cleaning out my bathroom closet, I saw the box of oils and decided to take a look at the guide to learn the uses of each oil. Inside the box there was an oil called Frankincense, you know one of the gifts the wise men brought little baby Jesus on his birthday. One of the uses was to mix it with you facial moisturizer for more radiant skin. I decided to give it a try and ever since I have been hooked on essential oils! So let me tell you some of my favorite oils, and how I integrate them into my life.

1.Lavender- All Things Calming

Lavender is probably the most popular essential oil, everyone and their grandmother has heard about it. There are a lot of different uses for Lavender can be used aromatically, topically and internally. I use it each different way. When I have had a particularly rough day, I diffuse a few drops in my doTerra diffuser to help soothe my anxious feelings. I also diffuse a few drops in Elliott’s (my 2 month old daughter) room to help calm her so she can fall asleep at night. In a babies room, you use less drops then you would for yourself. So for myself I would use 4-5 drops in the diffuser, where as in the babies room I only use 2-3 drops. When I am under the weather, with my normal yearly cold, I put a few drops of lavender in my tea, and it helps soothe my sore throat. I really elevates your typical cup of tea! In the summer time, it is always inevitable that I get eaten alive by mosquitoes. I put a few drops on a cotton ball and dap it on each bite., not only does it sooth the itchiness, but it also acts as a bug repellent.

2. Breathe Respiratory Blend

I LOVE this blend! It smells great and it really helps me when I have a chest cold with congestion. Currently this is the blend I am using in my diffuser as I am suffering from a chest cold. Breathe can be used aromatically and topically. I have blood pressure issues and I am not allowed to take cold medicine with any sort of decongestant, so I will dilute a few drops of Breathe in about a teaspoon of my favorite carrier oil, Coconut Oil, and rub on my feet at night to support my respiratory system. During the day, I add a couple drops in my diffuser ( you can also add to any humidifier) to promote clearer breathing.

3. Frankincense

This is the best gift I could have given my face! While there are other functions for Frankincense, such as easing tension and immune system support, I mainly use this oil for my face. I struggle with adult acne and eczema on my face. I also have very sensitive skin and have struggled to find an over the counter solution. So when I discovered Frankincense, I was ecstatic! There are two main ways I use this oil. When the skin on my face is not particularly broke out, usually in the summer time, I just mix a few drops with my facial moisturizer for a radiant glow. In the winter time, when my face usually breaks out and is pretty dry, I put a few drops on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the problem areas. It took me a while to get used to the smell, but now it doesn’t even bother me! I highly recommend you try it!

4. Deep Blue- Muscle and Joint Support

I suffer from lower back pain and sciatic nerve pain. These were especially aggravated during my third trimester of pregnancy, and thankfully I had a great tool to help reduce the discomfort that was associated. Deep Blue is a wonderful blend and it also smells fantastic! You can only use this blend topically, and there are only a few ways to use it. After a long day at work, I am a teacher so I spend most on my day on my feet, my husband will mix Deep Blue with the doTerra Coconut Oil for a deep tissue massage. It is truly heavenly! You can also apply the oil by itself directly to any sore joints or muscles to ease discomfort. I am in deep love with my Deep Blue blend!

5. Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Melaleuca is great for your skin. It can be used aromatically, topically and internally as well. My favorite way to use Melaleuca is to put a few drops in my shampoo and conditioner to maintain a healthy scalp. Not only does it smell great, it tingles your scalp (in a good way), and makes you feel super refreshed for the rest of the day. Using a cotton ball, you could also apply a few drops to any skin blemishes, or apply to your toenails after swimming to keep them from turning yellow.

6. Wild Orange

Wild Orange is my current obsession, I got it in the Aromatouch kit I got as a gift, along with my diffuser. This oil is truly versatile, not only can you use this oil in your diffuser, or topically, you can use it in your cooking and baking! Who knew? Actually, a lot of the oils can replace the extracts you use but I will save that for another blog post! The main way I use Wild Orange is in my diffuser, in the morning while I get ready for a busy day at school. This oil really energizes you and sets you up for a positive day!


Now there are hundreds of different kinds of oils, and a handful of different brands of oil. My favorite brand to use, if you couldn’t guess, doTerra. They are pure oils with nothing added to them! I know that I am giving my skin the best with doTerra. Now I am not here to sell you any oils, but if you happen to be interested in learning more about doTerra and all of the great products they offer, check out my friend Mandi Dragons website “A Drop of Dragon” . She talks all thing doTerra, and has some awesome insights about how to use all the different oils. Also, make sure to check out the amazing giveaway she is having, I mean who doesn’t love free stuff?

If you haven’t given essential oils a try, I hope that I have convinced you to reconsider, and if you do use essential oils I hope that I have given you a few new ideas on how to use them. If you have any questions drop a comment, or let me know how YOU use your favorite essential oils!